European Programs

We develop programs at European level for the inclusion of people with disabilities
Fotografía de los Técnicos de programas europeos

Persons with disabilities comprise an estimated 15% of the world's population, or one billion people, 80% of whom live in developing countries and are over-represented among people living in absolute poverty. Persons with disabilities often face discrimination and exclusion on a daily basis.

The situation is even worse if they live in rural areas, are women, young people, belong to ethnic minorities and/or other discriminated groups.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes persons with disabilities and has therefore opened the door for their participation and recognition as active contributing members of society: that they should not face any discrimination or be left out or behind. Persons with disabilities should be recognised as equal partners and should be consulted by governments, the UN, civil society and other stakeholders. Of the 169 targets of the 17 Goals, seven have an explicit reference to persons with disabilities.

Furthermore, all of the Goals and targets are applicable to persons with disabilities by the simple virtue of universality, which applies to all people, and the overarching principle of "leaving no one behind". Persons with disabilities strongly believe that only by using the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) as a guiding framework in the implementation of the SDGs will ensure that exclusion and inequality are not created and perpetuated. This includes institutional, attitudinal, physical and legal barriers, and barriers to information and communication, among others.

COCEMFE Seville, in its commitment to achieve the inclusion of people with physical and organic disabilities, is aligned with this strategy and is committed to strategic actions where training for employment and adult education plays a significant role.

Training for autonomous and independent living involves an educational orientation that, starting in the family, is extended over the years in the different learning scenarios through which the person passes (schools, associations, job training centres, other educational centres, third sector organisations). This educational guidance must have an impact on the development of autonomy and independent living, on social inclusion and on the self-determination of these people.

Since 2018, Cocemfe Seville has been working to improve the quality of training for adults with disabilities. We are currently implementing several projects in this regard, focusing on quality training to improve active participation, independent living, accessibility and access to employment for people with disabilities with fewer opportunities: unemployed adult women, people with disabilities in rural areas, young people with disabilities at the time of access to the labour market, among others.

Here is a brief overview of these projects:

For the last  years all the world has been experiencing a drastic reduction and deep changes of healthcare services because of the COVID19 Pandemic.

Digital mentoring for young people with disabilities in rural areas: Improving my skills for independent living; Improving my future.

Online courses for teachers to create an inclusive classroom environment

Sharing experiences against exclusion and discrimination

Network for the social inclusion of people with disabilities in rural areas of the EU through MENTORING and leadership training programme

The Development of an Innovative Online Guide for the Social Inclusion of People with Acquired Disabilities - Guide to life

"From institutionalisation to comprehensive support for an independent life of people with disabilities in rural areas", training program for professionals

Empowering Youth Individuals with fewer opportunities towards citizenship

Opportunities and innovative instruments to adult women with disabilities.

Special needs of family members who are playing a role as a caregiver

Development of personal participation of young people with disabilities, cooperation and dialogue with the authorities

If you wish to contact the Department of European Programs of COCEMFE Seville, write to the email:

You can see in this link all the news of European Programs