Project number: 2023-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000151110
Implementation period: 01/10/2023 – 30/09/2025
General Objective
In Europe, the gender gap in labour market participation increases for vulnerable women due to economic and cultural factors.
Vulnerable women are at a higher risk of social exclusion or marginalisation due to poverty, disability, low educational attainment, lack of social support, discrimination and limited access to resources and opportunities.
Orient2Work aims to establish a collaborative network to improve the effectiveness of mentoring activities as a tool to facilitate access to the labour market.
The project combines virtual and face-to-face activities with a focus on greening and inclusion, monitoring environmental impact with carbon footprint, full stakeholder participation and overcoming obstacles due to disabilities or other cultural and/or social barriers.
The project foresees online and face-to-face meetings, trainings and working groups, always focused on the relationship as the best tool for learning. tool for learning. The specific activities to be carried out are:
- Activity 1 - Management and coordination of activities
- Activity 2 - Kick-off meeting
- Activity 3 - Networking, research and exchange of good practices
- Activity 4 - Transnational training in Seville
- Activity 5 - Transnational training in Paris
- Activity 6 - Pilot testing of the model with women in Italy
- Activity 7 - Pilot testing of the model with women in Spain
- Activity 8 - Pilot testing of the model with women in France
- Activity 9 - Pilot testing of the model with women in Turkey
- Activity 10 - Final meeting in Turkey
The partners expect to involve about 30 professionals from the partners' staff, 40 beneficiaries, 20 stakeholders, 4 private and public organisations working to tackle unemployment, the creation of a website as a platform to host an open network for professionals, beneficiaries and stakeholders, a handbook, as an important deliverable, to integrate the project results and a shared guideline on how to prepare an orientation pathway.
- Pmi Services Soc. Coop. arl., Italy - Coordinator
- Pozitif Diyalog Dernegi, Turkey
- Gip Formation Continue et Insertion Professionnelle de L'Academie De Creteil, France
- Federación Provincial de Asociaciones de Personas con Discapacidad Física y Orgánica de Sevilla, Spain
Web and social networks
More information
All the information about the programme can be found at the link:
News from the programme can be found under the tag Orient2Work