Mother Matters: the right to motherhood for women with disabilities

Raise awareness among professionals and people with disabilities themselves about motherhood among women with disabilities.

Project number: 2023-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-0000153664

Implementation period: 01/11/2023 – 31/10/2025

General Objectives

The project aims to raise awareness among professionals and people with disabilities themselves about motherhood of women with disabilities. The MoMs project promotes the competences/skills of both groups to fill the communication and knowledge gap at national and European level. People with disabilities, their families and their key professionals may have difficulties in making informed decisions about motherhood.

The project will conduct a review of knowledge about childbearing for women with disabilities among professionals and people with disabilities. It will develop accessible information materials for people with disabilities, their families and professionals (educators and health professionals) and training to achieve the necessary competencies.

Fotografía 1er Encuentro Transnacional MOMS

Simultaneously, the MoMs project will carry out a sustained awareness-raising campaign to generate critical mass in Europe and promote the use of best practices.


WP1- Project management and implementation

WP2- Research book,

To include the review of the legal framework related to the parenting and disability awareness movements (PWD) and professionals, as well as its translation into the different programme languages.

WP3 -MoMs Tools-

These include:

  • A self-assessment tool for professionals to assess their preparation/training on motherhood with persons with disabilities.
  • A forum for persons with disabilities and development of an informal network between them and trained professionals, who can use the contacts established to collaborate and share future experiences.
  • Transnational learning and training activity: preparing a group of trainers between professionals and PWDS to share knowledge and experience on how to provide accessible and inclusive information, training guidelines and good practices organised by COCEMFE Sevilla
  • Translation of the final book of the research.

WP4- Information pills

  • Creation of information pills for people with disabilities that include pregnancy and postpartum guidelines and practical advice to carry out and apply. People with disabilities often do not know where to find this kind of information and whom to contact, or it is obtained after numerous and costly visits. The aim is to support people with disabilities in their approach to self-determination, independent living and awareness of the possibility of parenthood with a disability.
  • Creation of information pills for professionals to provide recommendations on how to follow the Universal Design approach to ensure full accessibility for people with disabilities. The aim is to counteract discrimination against PWDs, and to equip them with strategies and skills to support motherhood for people with disabilities.
  • Translate information pills for people with disabilities into each partner sign language and international sign language.

WP5- Dissemination and use

  • Raise general awareness of the relationship between health and education professionals on motherhood for women with disabilities
  • Raise awareness of PwDs about their rights with a self-determination approach
  • Involve families
  • Ensure a wide dissemination of MoMs products, materials and results
  • Generate synergies between PwDs entities and professionals from the clinical, social and educational sector at local/national/EU level


Among the main results MoMs will provide

  • A framework on motherhood for women with disabilities in each partner country
  • An accessible website
  • A self-assessment tool for professionals
  • A forum for women with disabilities
  • Information pills for people with disabilities in sign language I
  • nformation pills for professionals in health and education centres
  • Transnational learning and training activity in Seville: training for educators and women with disabilities.

All the results of the project will be freely accessible for educators, professionals, people with disabilities, families, students, etc....


  • Fondazione Istituto dei Sordi di Torino ONLUS, Italy- Coordinator
  • Asociación LET HER IN INTERNACIONAL, Reus, Spain
  • Federación Provincial de Asociaciones de Personas con Discapacidad Física y Orgánica de Sevilla, Spain
  • European Development Foundation, Bulgaria


Web and social networks

More information

All the information about the programme can be found at the link:

News from the programme can be found under the tag MoMs

Co-Funded by the European Union logo