Safer Social Professionals at Home -Safer PatH

Project number: 2023-2-IT01-KA210-VET-000180589

Implementation period: 01/01/2024 – 31/03/202


For the last  years all the world has been experiencing a drastic reduction and deep changes of healthcare services because of the COVID19 Pandemic. Infection prevention and control became the top priority guiding the daily system of services. But homecare services are crucial to the health, social wellbeing and inclusion of people with disabilities and the above-mentioned problems deeply affected their daily life. At the same time, homecare workers were deeply affected as well, as it was extremely hard for them to meet people with disabilities needs: psychological distress and burnout stroke many of them. Distress and burnout are associated with extrinsic factors specific to the organization of work and the

management of risks. It involves serious problems, including loss of health and wellbeing and absenteeism that affect deeply both the workers and the beneficiaries, which means in this case people with disabilities.

Safer Path Project  aims at improving the skills of homecare workers caring for people with disabilities and to achieve their wellbeing in order to offer a more efficient health and home care beyond the pandemic.

According to the Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, this project fosters a healthy and sustainable lifestyle for homecare workers and aims at contributing to improve their employability adapting their education to the labor market needs.



Specifically, the project aims at achieving the following concrete objectives:

- to investigate how long-term disruption in the care system of people with disabilities affected the wellbeing of home-care


-To develop new skills for health professionals in order to promote new standards of welfare for PWDs comparing and

interchanging practices at European level

-To empower the in-home care workers so that they can foster the inclusion of people with disabilities and develop tailored

strategies to suit their care needs and pursue their own wellbeing

-To raise awareness on the importance to tackle burnout in the workplace.


The results the project aims to realise will be as it follows:

-A comparative research highlighting the vulnerabilities of the professionals working in home-care services;

-A Smart Toolkit on in-home and community-based services for Health Professionals with tools, a collection of Good practices and recommendations to avoid burn-out and the strategies to improve and enhance the quality-of-care services beyond the pandemic;

-A small scale transnational network of in-home health professionals .


  • Consorzio Cooperative Sociali GLOBAL MED CARE Italy– Coordinator
  • COCEMFE Sevilla, SPAIN

More information

All the information about the programme can be found at the link:

You will find news about the programme under the tag: saferpath

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