Start date: 01/01/2023
End date: 30/06/2024
Main purpose
The project’s aims at helping and educating teachers on how to create an inclusive classroom that will set the foundation of understanding people differences and that people cannot be excluded just for the differences they have from the majority or what most people understand as “normal people”. It is important to start educating children from a young age and to make younger generations more acceptive and skilled to communicate and work with people of different profiles.
The main project objectives that it is eager to reach:
- Capitalized attention to creating acceptable community in a classroom
- Educate and teach children of the people differences
- Improve children with different profiles inclusivity in a classroom
- Give “different” children an opportunity to become a valuable member of community, create relationships and gain skills
- Raise students’ awareness about diversity in people
- Set the foundation for this generation to not divide people by their differences
- Reduce bullying, discrimination
- Promote that everyone deserves an equal education
- Remove the entrenched barrier between the “normal” student and different culture or differently abled ones
- Provide teachers with a material/tool that will help to identify strengths and weaknesses of different students
- Teach children how to communicate with variety of different profile students that they face in a classroom
Raise awareness about teachers’ mental health and stress they fell when working with the variety of different children and where to find the help when they can feel too much stress.

Target groups
There are three main target groups – teachers, specialists, experts working with children in schools and children that are war immigrants, children with physical disabilities and children with mental disabilities.
- The first group of kids are the ones that have cultural differences, maybe even a different language, this target group became one to consider because of the ongoing catastrophes in Europe, as kids are forced to leave their countries and to become war immigrants and to continue their education in a new country, here comes and the possible discrimination cases in the classroom. And the situations at schools showed that teachers have no practice how to deal with these kids as no one was prepared and even thought that this situation could happen.
- The next target group of the children are kids that have physical disabilities and one of their main problems is that they get judged for the way they look. The bullying can hugely affect their mental health, so for the teacher it is important to educate children to be acceptable and get to know the individuals personalities, also for the teacher to not unintentionally exclude such child from the activities that he is not able to participate but to adapt them to make them applicable to everyone (for example, the physical activities for children with walking disabilities, it is possible to include them in a game by modifying it or giving them the coach or the referee role).
- The third children group are the ones that have a mental disability and therefore the focus is made on the children with autism. As the number of children with this disability is noticeably increasing, it is important to educate teachers on this disability and give them the material on how to work in class with these kids and what specific techniques work the best to include them into classroom.
Organizations that work with children that are war immigrants, children with disabilities and children that have mental disabilities, social specialists, psychologists can be named as secondary target group.
Work packages & activities
The main activities that will be implemented during the project:
- Research on the experience of classroom inclusiveness that will aim at teachers, children that are war immigrants, children
with physical disabilities and children with mental disabilities (aiming at children with autism)
- Creation of courses that will guide teachers on how to create an inclusive classroom
- Creating a learning platform for teachers
- Organizing webinars for teachers that aim at children's inclusion in schools
All of the developed activities will lead to these results:
- teachers will increase their competencies in the inclusive classroom environment
- teachers will learn how to deal with different profiles of students in one classroom
- teachers will increase their digital skills while learning on the open online platform
- teachers will share experiences with other countries' educators and will create new networks and collaborations across the whole Europe
- Nacionaline Distancinio Mokymo Asociacija, Kaunas, Lithuania (Coordinator).
- COCEMFE Sevilla. Sevilla, Spain
- Viesoji Istaiga Baltijos Edukaciniu Technologiju Institutas- BETI. Kaunas, Lithuania
- Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente Timisoara Asociatia. Timisoara, Romania
Further information
All the information on the programme can be found at the following link: