COCEMFE SEVILLA leads the European project Erasmus Plus Ready Women, in which 10 entities from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria and Latvia will work as a strategic partnership.
The general objective of the READY WOMEN project is to offer new opportunities and innovative instruments to adult women with disabilities in order to improve their qualification and, consequently, their employability and integration in the labour market, mainly through training actions related to new sources of employment and emerging sectors.
The implementation of this project, with a total duration of 35 months, is already at an advanced stage, ending in August 2021.
Among its main actions are:
- Increasing the self-confidence of women with physical disabilities;
- Study to identify the relationship between women with physical disabilities and employment opportunities;
- Detect best practices in the inclusion of women with disabilities in the labour market;
- To train and improve the skills of women with physical disabilities through a training programme linked to the New Sources of Employment and ICTs;
- Implement a training course aimed at developing basic and professional competencies and basic skills for women with physical disabilities;
- Disseminate results, training and tools developed at transnational level;
Ready Women Training is a training and resource portal that will be accessible and multilingual, available in 8 languages (English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Greek, Turkish, Bulgarian and Latvian).
The training programme that hosts this portal is presented with 34 didactic units classified in 6 training modules on the following topics:
- Module 1: European Framework for People with Disabilities: Employment, Women and Disability - Independent Living
- Module 2: New Yields to Employment (NYE) and ICT skills for women with disabilities
- Module 3: Entrepreneurial skills for women with disabilities,
- Module 4: Social skills for women with disabilities in the labour market
- Module 5: Gender Mainstreaming for Women with Disabilities in Employment (sustainable goals AGENDA 2030)
- Module 6: Employment support strategy for employment counsellors and women with disabilities
The Ready Women program offers new job opportunities and innovative tools for adult women with disabilities.
Further information
All the information on the programme can be found at the following link:
You will find the news of the program with the label ReadyWomen