On Wednesday 24 January, the Provincial Federation of Associations of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities of Seville, COCEMFE Seville, made the formal presentation of the European project ‘Digit2Me’, which aims to develop educational tools in the form of a training programme that can facilitate the mentoring work of professionals and young mentors aimed at other young people in vulnerable situations and enable them to take the lead towards their independent life, using in this case the digital media as a vehicle of communication and for its added educational value.
Within the project, a multilingual digital platform will be created that will host courses and webinars (webinars-workshops) with free access so that everyone can benefit from its contents.
The inaugural day was attended by project partners such as: Support Girona from Catalonia, Consorzio GMC from Italy, OZARA from Slovenia, Beti from Lithuania, Antalya bilim Universitesi from Turkey, and of course the directors of our Federation, coordinator of the project, who were responsible for giving the respective institutional welcome.
Likewise, during the development of the meeting of presentation of ‘Digit2Me’, important issues were established such as deadlines for the production of materials and their dissemination, new meetings of the process, the revelation of the visual image of the project and the resolution of any existing doubt as the form and purpose of the next exercises of focus groups for the qualitative study that will detect the needs of our target population, which will be carried out in the coming months in all rural areas of the countries that make up the consortium.
It is important to mention that other projects developed by our Provincial Federation are framed within the same line of action for the improvement of social inclusion, the elimination of accessibility problems (in this case to education), the improvement of skills and competences necessary to facilitate the achievement of an independent life. both for professionals in the sector and for users of vulnerable groups in rural areas, among which we can highlight: EU-Rudisnet y Rural in life