More than 50 rural municipalities in five European countries have participated in the Rural Independent Life programme, co-funded by Erasmus of the European Union, which aims to train social professionals who care for people with disabilities, promoting their social inclusion…
Category: Events
The Deputy for Equality. “Many Sevillians need adequate policies and services to carry out their life project and freedom of decision”.
The Casa de la Provincia hosted this Wednesday the European event ‘Rural In Life: from institutionalisation to comprehensive support for the independent living of people with disabilities in rural areas, organised by the Provincial Federation of Associations of People with…
At least 60 professionals from six european countries will mentor 30 individuals with disabilities from rural areas in empowerment and leadership
At least 60 professionals from six European countries, working with individuals with disabilities and in municipal corporations, will have been trained upon completion of the EU-RUDISNET program, in order to mentor approximately thirty individuals from the disability community in rural…
The third sector and rural administrations work to guarantee the rights of young people and people with disabilities.
The cooperative work between third sector entities and public administrations in rural areas is essential to guarantee the fulfilment of the rights of the most disadvantaged groups, such as young people and people with disabilities, as demonstrated by a Focus…
COCEMFE Sevilla celebrated the disability day, claiming for the rights of people with disabilities such as social and health care coordination and services in rural areas.
The Provincial Federation of Associations of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities of Seville (COCEMFE Seville) celebrated on 3rd December the International and European Day of People with Disabilities, with the collaboration of the Municipality of Seville, the Provincial Council…
COCEMFE Seville celebrates on Tuesday a European conference on employment, accessibility and young people with disabilities
The Provincial Federation of Associations of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities of Seville (COCEMFE Seville) will celebrate next Tuesday, on November 2, in collaboration with the Pablo de Olavide University (UPO) of Seville, the face-to-face meeting ‘Empower Youth Without…
COCEMFE Seville holds a European conference on employment, women and disability with the participation of nine institutional representatives.
The Provincial Federation of Associations of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities of Seville (COCEMFE Seville) has given on Wednesday 22 September the final conference of the project ‘Ready Women‘, co-financed by Erasmus Plus of the European Union. During the…
A group of young people with disabilities demand actions in terms of employment and accessibility from the general director of inclusion of the Junta de Andalucía.According to the INE in 2019, the unemployment rate of young people with disabilities is higher than that of other young people without disabilities in Spain, reaching up to 58%.
The presentation of the proposals that improve initiatives promoted by the government in terms of employment and accessibility for people with disabilities, has been the objective of this event held in Seville, April 13th 2021 by the Provincial Federation of…
COCEMFE Sevilla celebrates The International Day of Persons with Disabilities in a rural area to raise awareness among young people and promote inclusion
The Provincial Federation of Associations of people with physical and organic disabilities in Seville (COCEMFE Sevilla) celebrated International and European Day of People with disabilities with the meeting on ‘Prevention, Road Safety and Adapted Sports’ at the Maestre Don José…
Representatives of social organizations from 6 European countries discuss at a transnational meeting in Seville about the situation of family caregivers of people with disabilities and the need for the figure of personal assistantOrganized by FAMS-COCEMFE Sevilla, it is an activity within the ‘Be Happy In Life’ project.
Representatives from different countries have participated since last Wednesday in Seville in a transnational meeting, organized by the Provincial Federation of Associations of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities of Seville (FAMS-COCEMFE Seville), whose objective is to discuss about the…