For the first time a common set of rules on intermediaries’ obligations and accountability across the single market will open up new opportunities to provide digital services across borders.
The European Parliament has furthered the European Commission’s proposal, and ensured the accessibility of online platforms. This will of course ensure that millions of consumers with disabilities have equal access to essential services, information, and communication through these services. Other measures include: ensuring a safer online environment for persons with disabilities, even though they are not disability-specific by introducing clearer rules on removing illegal products and content, more options for tracking-free advertising, right to compensation for damages, mandatory risk assessments and more transparency over algorithms to fight harmful content and disinformation, and more.
Currently the Parliament is in trilogues with the Council of the EU and the European Commission for the final text. The final rules could come into force as soon as 2023.
EU-RUDISNET project is seeking all the new regulations and rules, to make the platform as accessible as possible to our target group. Stay tuned!