Fotografía Encuentro Readjusting to life Ankara 1

Ankara hosts the last meeting of the European project Readjusting to Life

The Life-long learning, Research and Consultancy Association (SEADDER) fromTurkey has organised the last transnational coordination meeting of the European project ‘Re-adjusting to life’ , held at the Başkent Öğretmenevi Hotel in Ankara (Turkey) on 17th -18th November, 2022. This…
Fotografía Encuentro coordinación EYOUTH Montauban 1

Coordination meeting of the european project Eyouth in Montauban (France)

The Provincial Federation of Associations of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities of Seville (COCEMFE Sevilla) has participated in the coordination meeting between the partners of the European project EYOUTH, held in Mountauban (France). During the 9th -10th  of November,…
Fotografía reunión online Rural In Life

The European Rural In Life programme will hold a course in Madrid to train professionals who work with people with disabilities in rural areas

The European project Rural In Life plans from 21 to 24 February 2023 a transnational training activity in Madrid addressed to staff professionals (social workers, adult educators, professionals of municipal services that care for people with disabilities) aimed at promoting…

A transnational meeting in France to analyze the needs of professionals working with young people with disabilities in the framework of the European Youth Day

The EYOUTH programme will hold its second meeting to analyse the needs of professionals working with young people with disabilities, in the framework of the European Youth Day dedicated to the most vulnerable people or those with fewer opportunities in…
Fotografía Reunión E-YOUTH Instituto Andaluz de la Juventud

COCEMFE Seville and the Andalusian Institute of Youth join forces to promote the inclusion of young people with disabilities.

The Provincial Federation of Associations of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities of Seville (COCEMFE Seville) and the Andalusian Youth Institute (IAJ) have held a meeting this Thursday with the aim of developing joint actions to strengthen the inclusion of…

The Mind Their Health project enters its final stage with the forthcoming publication of the guide ‘Inclusion through Food’

The European programme Mind Their Health, co-funded by Erasmus+ of the European Union, reaches its final stage with the publication of the guide ‘Inclusion through food’. The document forms a tool for caregivers in terms of knowledge and treatments needed…

Second transnational coordination meeting of Rural Independent Life project

The Rural Independent Life programme continues its development in order to achieve the objective of supporting the independent living of people with disabilities in rural areas in a comprehensive way. The second transnational coordination meeting was held on 4 and…
Fotografía Conferencia final Mind Their Health

The auditorium of the Town Hall of Montecatini Terme hosted the final conference of the European project Mind Their Health

The auditorium of the Town Hall of Montecatini Terme (Italy) hosted yesterday the final conference of the European project Mind Their Health (Inclusion and Health through food), coordinated by the local association La Forza Di Nemo and funded by Erasmus+…
Fotografía 4º Encuentro Readjusting to Life 1

The 4th transnational coordination meeting of the Readjusting to life project was celebrated in Edinburgh (Scotland)

The Provincial Federation of Associations of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities of Seville COCEMFE Sevilla participated, on 15th-16th  September 2022, in the 4th meeting of the European project Re-adjusting to Life, together with the coordinating entity of the project,…

Three European countries publish guide on inclusion and health through food

The entities La Forza di Nemo from Italy, the Association of Young Psychologists from Bulgaria (AYPB) and the Provincial Federation of Associations of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities of Seville (COCEMFE Seville) from Spain, are publishing a guide on…