
Coordination meeting of the european project Eyouth in Montauban (France)

Coordination meeting of the european project Eyouth in Montauban (France)

The Provincial Federation of Associations of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities of Seville (COCEMFE Sevilla) has participated in the coordination meeting between the partners of the European project EYOUTH, held in Mountauban (France).

During the 9th -10th  of November, the bases for the elaboration of a questionnaire that will allow to know the emotional and cognitive skills that the youth professionals use were stablished. Also, the barriers that are found in the relationship with young people, among other aspects will be included in the analysis . The participants also attended an Anglo-French conference of specialists on mental health, in which methodologies of youth work and guardianship processes were discussed.

The need for a focus group has also been raised to detect the problems and obstacles faced by  professionals of young people in achieving their inclusion.

The aim of EYOUTH is to improve the psycho-pedagogical skills of professionals working with young people in vulnerable situations, in order to help them in the transition to social inclusion. The project is co-funded by Erasmus+ programme of the European Union; and coordinated by Support Girona, in which EQuiP, Mental Health Europe, OZARA d.o.o, COCEMFE Sevilla and UDAF82  are participating as partners.

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