The German organisation, LEB Thüringen eV, hosted the transnational training on mentoring for leadership of people with in rural areas in Apolda from 20 to 23 June.
In this meeting, cooperative and dynamic methodologies have been developed, with which it has been pursued that the participants coming from entities associated to the project from Slovenia, Turkey, Italy, Lithuania and Spain, work on disability in first person to understand the barriers and experience feelings. To create group cohesion and experiences that allow to internalise and empathise with the group. In addition to highlighting positive skills.
The aim has been to train them as trainers of future mentors of people with disabilities who will be leaders in rural areas in the areas where the EU-RUDISNET project is involved.
Furthermore, practices that have allowed setting life goals (either as a person with a disability or as a mentor), analysing the process to achieve them and detecting obstacles, have revealed some conclusions such as the lack of economy to achieve these goals. In this sense, it has been detected that in some occasions charity would be needed; in others, a stable job; and sometimes the participation of private-public investment, personal bank loans and volunteering.
There was also a visit to the city of Weimar and numerous musical performances in the busy streets.
The EU-RUDISNET project is a project co-funded by the EU Erasmus+ programme, coordinated by COCEMFE Seville.