The Provincial Federation of Associations of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities of Seville (COCEMFE Seville), has been finalist this Tuesday in the VII Edition Emprendis of Ayesa Foundation, together with the entities Autismo Cádiz, Afanas Jerez, Albasur, ASPADISSE, APADIS, APRONA, VMMP Foundation, La Canariega and APROSMO.
Specifically, the European project ‘Rural In Life‘ has been selected, coordinated by the Federation together with six organisations from Slovenia, Spain, Denmark, Italy and Turkey. In addition to nine other projects from the aforementioned organisations.
Rural In Life’ is a project co-financed by Erasmus+ of the European Union. EMPRENDIS co-finances the budget requested for the construction and maintenance of the Moodle platform, where the content of the training programme will be hosted and which will be used for the training of technical staff who will assist the disabled beneficiaries of the project in their mentoring process for independent living and their inclusion in society as active members with full rights.
Thus, this morning, the entities have signed a collaboration agreement. The aim of these awards is to support initiatives that bring people with disabilities closer to employment for their social inclusion.
In this sense, the Deputy Minister for Equality, Social Policies and Conciliation of the Junta de Andalucía, Carmen Cardosa, has indicated that “with these projects we promote the autonomy of families. Disability is the result of a person’s interaction with the environment and it is this environment that puts up barriers for these people so that they cannot fully develop. Families also suffer from these barriers and we must value what they fight for every day”. In addition, she has stressed that the projects that have been presented here today allow access to the labor market, and that administrations, social entities, private companies, universities, civil society, etc. must work in a network.