
The European project ‘SEED – Sharing experiences against exclusion and discrimination’ begins, co-financed by Erasmus+ of the European Union.

The European project ‘SEED – Sharing experiences against exclusion and discrimination’ begins, co-financed by Erasmus+ of the European Union.

The technical team of European projects in the Provincial Federation of Associations of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities of Seville (COCEMFE Seville) held, last Friday, November 13, 2020, an online project coordination meeting, in which the program was launched and began the dissemination activities and preparation of transnational training meetings.

The objective of the SEED project is to exchange practices and reach conclusions on ways to change the perception of disability of young people, to improve their integration in school or in the world of work after finishing studies.

The work will focus on comparing the methods and organizations that best achieve these goals, as well as drawing common conclusions based on a study with stakeholders.

It is about improving social inclusion, since school and integration at labour market  are, in effect, places of social construction for individuals.

The second priority is to facilitate entry into the economic world, identifying prejudices and misrepresentations of different disabilities.

The project will endeavour to study the ‘good’ conditions for acquiring skills for young people with disabilities, both in the school environment and in the jobs they already hold. The conclusions drawn will be part of the dissemination of the social and educational value of European heritage.

SEED project is coordinated by the  Lycee Technologique Pierre De Coubertin (Meaux, France), and participating as partners are:  Consorzio Cooperative Sociali SGS Servizi Globali Sociosanitari (Lanciano, Italy), Istanbul Gelisim University (Istanbul, Turkey) and COCEMFE Sevilla.