
ORIENT2WORK Erasmus+ programme will support vulnerable women’s to access to the labour market

ORIENT2WORK Erasmus+ programme will support vulnerable women’s to access to the labour market

The kick-off meeting of the European project, co-funded by the Erasmus + programme of the European Union, ‘ORIENT2WORK: Mentoring activities to support vulnerable women’s access to the labour market’, was celebrated place on Friday 27th October virtually.

The programme aims to establish a collaborative network to improve the effectiveness of mentoring activities as tools to facilitate access to the labour market for women in vulnerable situations.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the partners Pmi Services Soc. Coop. arl. (Italy); COCEMFE Sevilla (Spain); Pozitif Diyalog Dernegi (Turkey); GIP formation continue et insertion professionnelle de l’académie de Créteil (France).

During the meeting, the budget was shared and a first assessment of the tasks was made. The tools needed to monitor and manage the project, as well as communication tools, were also discussed.

The project will combine virtual and face-to-face activities with a focus on greening and inclusion, monitoring environmental impact with carbon footprint, full stakeholder participation and overcoming obstacles due to disabilities or other cultural and/or social barriers.

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