Encouraging the participation of young people with disabilities in public life, to improve youth employment policies and access to the labor market, is the objective of a conference held during 9th and 10th of May, organized by the Provincial Federation of Associations of People with Physical Disability in Seville (FAMS-COCEMFE Sevilla), co-financed by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union.
It was a forum of young people with different disabilities and associations that fight for equal opportunities, within the framework of the Empower Youth Without Limits Project.
‘Laboratory of ideas on employment, accessibility and participation of young people with disabilities’ is the title of these conferences that were held at the Hotel Ilunion Islantilla (Huelva), and in which 30 young people participated.
During the meeting 5 working groups of participants dialogued and exchanged experiences and opinions, to study and raise proposals to political representatives and public administrations, on employment, education, new technologies, accessibility, and personal assistance, among others.
“We would like more conferences like this because serve to make visible and give voice to young people with disabilities,” said the manager of FAMS-COCEMFE Sevilla, Pedro Fernández Pérez.
Regarding to the aids aimed to people with disabilities provided by the Andalusian Employment Service (SAE), the Head of the Employment Promotion Service in Huelva, Pedro Ruiz Acevedo, highlighted the role of the Special Employment Centres.
The mayor of Isla Cristina and president of the Community of municipalities of Islantilla, Montserrat Márquez Cristóbal said that “Islantilla has always been characterized by promoting on accessibility and the interaction of people with special abilities.”
The conference ended with leisure activities like catamaran trips where participants with disabilities and reduced mobility enjoyed a nautical experience.
This initiative had the collaboration of the City Council of Isla Cristina through the Community of municipalities of Islantilla; and the Spanish School of Sailing.