
PRESS INVITATIONPRESS CALL. COCEMFE Seville organises discussion groups with disability representatives in rural areas.

PRESS INVITATIONPRESS CALL. COCEMFE Seville organises discussion groups with disability representatives in rural areas.

  • Representatives of the local governments of Bollullos de la Mitación and Coria del Río will participate, together with severely affected people with disabilities from rural areas and professional associations.


  •  It is estimated that people with disabilities comprise 15% of the world’s population, or one billion people, 80% of whom live in developing countries and are over-represented among people living in absolute poverty. People with disabilities often face discrimination and exclusion on a daily basis. The situation is even worse if they live in rural areas, are women, young people, belong to ethnic minorities and/or other discriminated groups.

The Provincial Federation of Associations of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities of Seville (COCEMFE Seville) represents more than 115,000 people with disabilities and their families in Seville and province, and through the Erasmus+ program co-funded by the European Union, organizes on 25 and 26 May, two discussion groups to identify the needs of people with disabilities in rural areas in which they live, especially in terms of civic and social participation.

These activities are part of the qualitative research of the EU-RUDISNET programme (network for the social inclusion of people with disabilities in rural areas of the European Union through an innovative training programme in mentoring and leadership), developed by the Federation together with the partner countries: Germany, Slovenia, Italy, Lithuania and Turkey.

Tomorrow it will be held in the Plenary Hall of the Town Hall of Bollullos de la Mitación at 9:00 am, and on Wednesday it will take place at the headquarters of COCEMFE Seville at 11:00 am.

During tomorrow’s Focus Group, the coordinator of the Social Cohesion Area of the Bollullos de la Mitación Town Council, Lola Domínguez; the coordinator of work with people with mental disabilities and social worker in the Social Services of the same, Isabel Jiménez; the professional who attends to people with disabilities in the rural world, Carola López, will participate; the trainer of people with disabilities, Fátima Fonseca; the representative of the member organisation of the API Federation, Pepe Fernández; the representative of the organisation Cuando Tú Quieras de Gines (CTQ), Inmaculada Moreno; and as a person with severe disabilities in rural areas, Ángel Méndez.

During the working forum on Wednesday, will participate the director of the Centre for Social Integration of Coria del Río, Tamara González; the psychologist of the City Council of Coria del Río, Marina Blanco; the president of the Association Frater San Pablo de Écija, Javier Ameal; the representative of the Association CAURA and person with severely affected disability in rural environment, M. Rosa Moya; and the director of the Association ALMA Sevilla, Juan Manuel Ramírez. These last three entities belong to the associative movement of COCEMFE Seville. In addition to professionals such as: Emilio Tortosa, pedagogue, volunteer, leisure and free time technician; Marina Hidalgo, social worker and head of the Social Area; and Damián Onyekwere, doctor in psychology and employment accompaniment technician of the Andalucía Orienta programme in the entity.

The two discussion groups will be moderated by the European projects technician of COCEMFE Seville, Encarnación Barrera. Both will also be organised in each of the partner countries of the programme.

People with disabilities comprise an estimated 15% of the world’s population, or one billion people, 80% of whom live in developing countries and are over-represented among people living in absolute poverty. People with disabilities often face discrimination and exclusion on a daily basis.

The situation is even worse if they live in rural areas, are women, young people, belong to ethnic minorities and/or other discriminated groups.

Reception and media attention:

Tuesday 25 April 2021 at 9:00 a.m. in the Plenary Hall of the Town Hall of Bollullos de la Mitación (Plaza de Ntra. Sra. de Cuatrovitas, 1, 41110 Bollullos de la Mitación, Sevilla) Wednesday 26 April 2021 at 11:00 a.m. at the headquarters of COCEMFE Sevilla (C/Aviación 31, 1ª planta, módulo 36, Edificio Ramcab Vilaser. Polígono Calonge. 41007, Seville)

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