
FAMS COCEMFE SEVILLA conducts a study to identify possible employment opportunities for women with disabilities linked to new yields of employment within the READY WOMEN project co-financed by the Erasmus + program of the European Union

FAMS COCEMFE SEVILLA conducts a study to identify possible employment opportunities for women with disabilities linked to new yields of employment within the READY WOMEN project co-financed by the Erasmus + program of the European Union

  • The organisation faces the second phase of qualitative research study, where profesional job advisors from Orienta program of the regional government, Junta de Andalucía are interviewed

The Ready Women project aims to offer new employment opportunities and innovative instruments to adult women with disabilities.

To achieve this, actions will be carried out, such as:

  • Identify the relationships between women with physical disabilities and employment opportunities; specifically those linked to the New yields of Employment

For that, the strategic partnership among 10 organisations created for the development of the program in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria and Latvia, have been conducting a qualitative investigation since January that in a first phase they organized discussion groups of women with disabilities in each of the countries.

Some of the results obtained after the collection of the data from these discussion groups were the enormous difficulties faced by women with disabilities in accessing to employment, often due to lack of qualification, early school leaving and family overload. Likewise, it was observed that in all countries the employment offered to these women are low qualification jobs and far from new yields of employment, such as all those linked to the use of new technologies.

By FAMS COCEMFE SEVILLA, a total of 6 professionals from the Orienta program of the regional government, Junta de Andalucía have been interviewed. Some of them have more than 10 years of experience advising people with disabilities and more specifically women with physical and sensory disabilities.

Among the results of the interviews with these professionals, all of them women, we can point out that family conciliation and overprotection is one of the main barriers that avoid these women to get a job. The low level of education and training is a common characteristic among the advised women. In addition, the non-adaptation of jobs, make the way to improve the employability of these women is still very long.

As solutions, the organizations that advice and attend these women should make an effort to know the opportunities that the labor market offers them and raise awareness among the Spanish companies to favor the inclusion of these women in sectors such as administrative and service.

As a result of this research, a report will be published and a training program will be designed to train 150 women with physical and / or sensory disabilities who will be accompanied in their socio-labor insertion process linked to the new emerging sectors.

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