Organisations from 6 European countries, including the Provincial Federation of Associations of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities of Seville (COCEMFE Sevilla) are developing the European project EU-RUDISNET, where the course ‘Mentoring for leadership of people with disabilities in rural areas‘ is provided.
Framework and approach
The course offers contents and methods that enable users to support and accompany people with disabilities in rural areas, so that they themselves become leaders and can actively and independently build their lives and their own projects as an active part of society.
The aim of the course is to train both professionals and already active people with disabilities to be future mentors and trainers of those people with disabilities who will become leaders and active members of society at the local level.
The training includes information about the objectives of the respective units, the learning outcomes and competences acquired, a theoretical input to the six topics, as well as the possibility to test the acquired knowledge.
Step by Step
The training is a massive open online course , with the possibility to experience the course at one’s own pace and access as many times as necessary.
- Access to the course platform
- Fill in the details of the registration form
- Choose how you participate in the course. There are two options “I will just listen”, where only the text is displayed, making it easy to read by narrators and e-readers, and the “I will read and listen” option with interactive and dynamic content.
The course it is available in 7 languages (DE, EN, ES, IT, LT, SI, TR)
A certification by Erasmus+ can be obtained if all assessments are passed (one for each unit).
COCEMFE Sevilla, Ländliche Erwachsenenbildung Thüringen e.V. (Thüringen Rural Adult Education – LEB), SGS Consortium, Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), BETI and OZARA d.o.o. developed EU-RUDISNET, which aims to create an European network to promote the social inclusion of people with disabilities by developing and piloting an innovative programme to promote cooperation and the formation of civic associations in rural areas.
This is made possible through the training of people with disabilities in mentoring methods, leadership skills and other soft skills using an innovative approach, methods and tools.