
A transnational meeting in France to analyze the needs of professionals working with young people with disabilities in the framework of the European Youth Day

A transnational meeting in France to analyze the needs of professionals working with young people with disabilities in the framework of the European Youth Day

The EYOUTH programme will hold its second meeting to analyse the needs of professionals working with young people with disabilities, in the framework of the European Youth Day dedicated to the most vulnerable people or those with fewer opportunities in society, on 8 November.

Thus, on 9 and 10 November, two days of coordination of the programme will be held in Mountabaun (France), with the aim of analysing the needs of professionals working with young people with disabilities, what problems they encounter, and what elements are available to support and guide them.

This group faces obstacles in accessing employment and economic stability, and this has been aggravated by the pandemic, leaving young people and their families without options. The aim is therefore to design tools, methods and services to help young people find a career and a livelihood.

The programme is co-financed by Erasmus+ of the European Union, and developed by the organisations Support Girona (coordinator), EQuiP, Udaf Tarn et Garonne Unis Por Les Famillles, Mental Health Europe, Ozara and the Provincial Federation of Associations of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities of Seville (COCEMFE Seville).

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