e-YOUTH aims to develop a cross-sectoral (health, social services, social environment, families, community services, NGOs...) and community-based intervention methodology for young people with disabilities based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The project also focuses on the qualification and improvement of the competences of professionals in charge of providing support to young people.
- Promote social inclusion of young persons with disabilities with complex needs and with fewer opportunities (NEETs) to ensure their Human Rights are respected.
- Contribute upon identity building and citizenship of persons at risk of exclusion by developing concrete actions to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights.
- Design and create a cross-sectoral and co-produced intervention methodology between health, social services and third sector organisations to develop community-based services;
- Upskill and reskill current professionals in the disability sector by mapping their current competences and developing evidence-based and rights-driven training packages;
- Develop resources to promote personal development, autonomy and resilience of young persons with complex needs and fewer opportunities to promote pathways of engagement with the system.
Work Packages
- PR1 Mapping Cross- Sectoral Skills & Competencies of Young Workers in the EU. Guidelines to improve Professional Skills & Competencies from Youth Workers
- PR2 E-YOUTH Common Methodological Framework. Methodological framework for transforming and implementing community-based outreach services for youth persons (Service Delivery Process).
- PR3 Toolkit on Community Intervention for Youth Workers. Staff Guidelines on Community Intervention for Youth Workers (Toolkit & Resources).
- PR4 Pedagogical Guide and Training Resources that will result in a C1 Short Term Staff Training Event followed by a local piloting phase included in PR4.
- PR5 Policy Recommendations.
Additionally, the partners consortium has planned 6 Multiplier Events and 1 'C1 Short Term Staff Training Event' to be held in Denmark conceptualised as a capacity-building event to consolidate and contribute to the transferability of each o f the Project Results / activities to be implemented during the project. *Every Project Results from PR1 to PR4 will be produced in a universal version in English and a local version adapted to cultural differences, legislation and organisational or administrative procedures. Local versions will be translated into local languages, namely: Danish, French, Slovenian, Spanish and Catalan.
Further information
All the information on the programme can be found at the link: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/2021-1-ES02-KA220-YOU-000028882
You will find the news of the program with the label e-YOUTH